SOMMER AERATION – Fine bubble tube diffuser

SOMMER AERATION fine bubble tube diffuser ensuring a maximum amount of process flexibility – with maximum oxygen yield values. The special arrangement of the air outlet openings ensures fine-bubble aeration with extremely low-pressure loss and therefore a highly effective usage of oxygen across the entire aeration area. The elasticity of the membrane ensures blockage-free operation, even after the plant is switched off. The diffusers are designed for trouble-free and energy saving intermittent as well as for continuous operation.

Our products are suitable for both, new wastewater treatment plants as well as for the replacement of existing installations from most aeration equipment suppliers.

Your Advantages

  • High Quality made in Germany
  • Extremely low-pressure loss due to Energy saving design
  • Long-lasting Membrane materials made of EPDM TPU, NBR and Silicon – suitable for almost every wastewater
  • Secure long live operation
  • Environmentally friendly materials (PP)
  • Compatible with most existing installations

 Supporting tube

  • Seamless very stable tube in one piece
  • free of glue
  • No weaknesses between Tube and Head
  • Diffuser tube completely made of PP
  • Easy installation and replacement of existing installations
  • High quality membranes made of EPDM TPU, NBR and Silicon


  • Municipal and industrial waste water treatment plants
  • Industrial wastewater treatment plants with special membrane material requirements.
  • Rivers and lakes aeration
  • Fish farming
  • Industrial production
  • Rubbish dump leakage water

SOMMER fine-bubble disc diffuser

Modern water and waste water technology requires aeration systems which make a difference ecologically while remaining economically viable, thereby ensuring a maximum amount of process flexibility – with maximum oxygen yield values. This is the basis for efficient biological water purification.

SOMMER fine-bubble tube diffusers meet these requirements. The elasticity of the membrane ensures blockage-free operation, even after the plant is switched off, and therefore makes intermittent operation problem-free, for example, with nitrification or upstream denitrification.

Fine bubble tube diffuser working principle

The air flows through air distribution pipe and connector into the interspace of supporting tube and the membrane, which is sealed on both ends by clamps.

The membrane expands by the air pressure, the micro-perforation opens and the air will be released into the water.

When the air is shut off, the membrane will pull together, the micro-perforation closes that no water can enter the air distribution system.

Our tube diffuser standard dimensions

WP Table Builder

* other lengths and dimensions available on request.
* pressure losses continuously monitored during production process and communicated on request.
* further technical data sheets available on request.

Membrane material selection sheet

WP Table Builder

Description: ++ excelent    + good    0 fair    – poor

1) Such as oils, greases, fats, hydrocarbons, etc.

Tube diffuser installation

The square air distribution pipe is made of stainless steel and has two holes (Ø 40 mm, 43 mm or 45 mm) at opposite sides. Round supporting tubes (stainless steel or mostly PVC) require special designed saddle systems. The tube diffuser will be screwed from both sides on the stainless-steel connector till the connection is tight.

Adapter and saddles for round air supporting pipes are also available. For round PVC air distribution pipes and basins with high water flows we suggest to fix the diffuser tubes at the open end with our diffuser tube end-fixing caps at the floor.

For more details please refer to our mounting and maintenance instructions!

Drilling dimensions of supporting tube

WP Table Builder


Tube diffuser parts list

Each fine bubble tube diffuser consists of:

  • 1 micro-perforated membrane (EPDM, silicone, NBR or TPU) – slit length 1.1 mm (other perforations on request)
  • 1 supporting tube made of polypropylene (PP)
  • 2 stainless steel 1-ear clamps
  • 2 O-rings made of EPDM
  • 1 flat gasket (grooved) made of EPDM

Our additional services for your Aeration project

  • Consulting
  • Concept
  • Design
  • Training


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